
This page will grow periodically, as we learn at our meetings or come across great things to share!

New Feature Trackers
Commercial Printing Set-Up Guides and Best Perfect Bound Cover Set-Up
Neenah Paper Idea Shop
Hanging Indents and Perfect Lists in InDesign

New Feature Trackers

These documents are created by James Wamser, friend of the group who is on the Customer Education team at the commercial printer Walworth, as well as being a long-time instructor at technical colleges in the Milwaukee area. They track new developments in InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop and can help pinpoint version issues. Documents are updated as features are released (or removed).

Commercial Printing Set-Up Guides

Also created by James, these documents share best practices and helpful templates for setting up some common commercial print jobs, from the very basics of preflight to catch image resolution issues to getting seamless imagery across inside cover/front or back pages accounting for the glue margin/spill on a perfect bound publication (crossover). Be sure to always ask your printer if they have templates and PDF export settings they'd like you to follow, as differences in presses and finishing equipment will vary from what is presented here.

At time of writing, the perfect bound cover setup sheet is not yet updated to a new method of using 3 pages beside each other for the back, spine, and front panels.

Using this method means you can export this as a spread and it will have all of the crop marks on it, unlike a single wide page layout where you use guides. It also makes it possible to easily export separate files of covers and spines to be used in marketing materials.

  1. Set up a 3-page document (no facing pages, add your bleed and margin and set pages to the final trim size)
  2. Use the Page tool and Properties panel to resize page two to the spine width provided by your printer.
  3. Uncheck “Allow Document Pages to Shuffle” in the side menu of the Pages panel
  4. Drag the pages to line up next to each other. Your screen should look like:
Screenshot of InDesign with perfect bound covers and spine set up as three pages

Check out the full meeting recap for more tips!

Neenah Paper Idea Shop

Sign up for free mailings and first looks at Neenah's paper line, along with a ton of inspiration, at the Idea Shop! Thanks to Angie Gilliana for giving us a great presentation and alerting us to this great resource.

Hanging Indents and PERFECT Lists in InDesign

MAUG co-leader Carrie created this video while teaching a college course on typography. Since making it public, it has become a top result on YouTube! This demo helps you make the perfect lists, and is great for working on documents like resumes, too.

Partially-closed MacBook glowing in the dark

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